Definition of wickerwork

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Wickerwork (n.) A texture of osiers, twigs, or rods; articles made of such a texture..

Lern More About Wickerwork

Wicker :: Wicker (a.) Made of, or covered with, twigs or osiers, or wickerwork..
Rattan :: Rattan (n.) One of the long slender flexible stems of several species of palms of the genus Calamus, mostly East Indian, though some are African and Australian. They are exceedingly tough, and are used for walking sticks, wickerwork, chairs and seats of chairs, cords and cordage, and many other purposes..
Wickerwork :: Wickerwork (n.) A texture of osiers, twigs, or rods; articles made of such a texture..
Wickered :: Wickered (a.) Made of, secured by, or covered with, wickers or wickerwork..
Gabion :: Gabion (n.) A hollow cylinder of wickerwork, like a basket without a bottom. Gabions are made of various sizes, and filled with earth in building fieldworks to shelter men from an enemy's fire..
Crate :: Crate (n.) A large basket or hamper of wickerwork, used for the transportation of china, crockery, and similar wares..
Hanaper :: Hanaper (n.) A kind of basket, usually of wickerwork, and adapted for the packing and carrying of articles; a hamper..
Demijohn :: Demijohn (n.) A glass vessel or bottle with a large body and small neck, inclosed in wickerwork..
Bow Net :: Bow net () A trap for lobsters, being a wickerwork cylinder with a funnel-shaped entrance at one end..
Wicker :: Wicker (n.) Wickerwork; a piece of wickerwork, esp. a basket..
Colander :: Colander (n.) A utensil with a bottom perforated with little holes for straining liquids, mashed vegetable pulp, etc.; a strainer of wickerwork, perforated metal, or the like..
Scutum :: Scutum (n.) An oblong shield made of boards or wickerwork covered with leather, with sometimes an iron rim; -- carried chiefly by the heavy-armed infantry..
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