Definition of whereof

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of whereof is as below...

Whereof (adv.) Of what; -- used interrogatively.

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Whereof :: Whereof (adv.) Of which; of whom; formerly, also, with which; -- used relatively..
Whereof :: Whereof (adv.) Of what; -- used interrogatively.
Purgation :: Purgation (n.) The clearing of one's self from a crime of which one was publicly suspected and accused. It was either canonical, which was prescribed by the canon law, the form whereof used in the spiritual court was, that the person suspected take his oath that he was clear of the matter objected against him, and bring his honest neighbors with him to make oath that they believes he swore truly; or vulgar, which was by fire or water ordeal, or by combat. See Ordeal..
Indenture :: Indenture (n.) A mutual agreement in writing between two or more parties, whereof each party has usually a counterpart or duplicate; sometimes in the pl., a short form for indentures of apprenticeship, the contract by which a youth is bound apprentice to a master..
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