Definition of voracity

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Voracity (n.) The quality of being voracious; voraciousness.

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Swallow :: Swallow (n.) Capacity for swallowing; voracity.
Engorge :: Engorge (v. i.) To feed with eagerness or voracity; to stuff one's self with food.
Nepa :: Nepa (n.) A genus of aquatic hemipterus insects. The species feed upon other insects and are noted for their voracity; -- called also scorpion bug and water scorpion.
Gluttony :: Gluttony (n.) Excess in eating; extravagant indulgence of the appetite for food; voracity.
Feline :: Feline (a.) Catlike; of or pertaining to the genus Felis, or family Felidae; as, the feline race; feline voracity..
Caribe :: Caribe (n.) A south American fresh water fish of the genus Serrasalmo of many species, remarkable for its voracity. When numerous they attack man or beast, often with fatal results..
Carnivoracity :: Carnivoracity (n.) Greediness of appetite for flesh.
Sparrow :: Sparrow (n.) One of many species of small singing birds of the family Fringilligae, having conical bills, and feeding chiefly on seeds. Many sparrows are called also finches, and buntings. The common sparrow, or house sparrow, of Europe (Passer domesticus) is noted for its familiarity, its voracity, its attachment to its young, and its fecundity. See House sparrow, under House..
Edacity :: Edacity (n.) Greediness; voracity; ravenousness; rapacity.
Gulosity :: Gulosity (n.) Excessive appetite; greediness; voracity.
Voracity :: Voracity (n.) The quality of being voracious; voraciousness.
Engorgement :: Engorgement (n.) The act of swallowing greedily; a devouring with voracity; a glutting.
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