Definition of voluntary

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Voluntary (v. t.) Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of choice.

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Involuntariness :: Involuntariness (n.) The quality or state of being involuntary; unwillingness; automatism.
Arson :: Arson (n.) The malicious burning of a dwelling house or outhouse of another man, which by the common law is felony; the malicious and voluntary firing of a building or ship..
Voluntary :: Voluntary (v. t.) Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in distinction from involuntary motions, such as the movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers, which are the agents in voluntary motion..
Pollicitation :: Pollicitation (n.) A voluntary engagement, or a paper containing it; a promise..
Trespass :: Trespass (v.) Any voluntary transgression of the moral law; any violation of a known rule of duty; sin.
Voluntary :: Voluntary (n.) A piece played by a musician, often extemporarily, according to his fancy; specifically, an organ solo played before, during, or after divine service..
Incontinency :: Incontinency (n.) The inability of any of the animal organs to restrain the natural evacuations, so that the discharges are involuntary; as, incontinence of urine..
Voluntary :: Voluntary (v. t.) Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed; intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter..
Volunteer :: Volunteer (a.) One who enters into service voluntarily, but who, when in service, is subject to discipline and regulations like other soldiers; -- opposed to conscript; specifically, a voluntary member of the organized militia of a country as distinguished from the standing army..
Abdication :: Abdication (n.) The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder; commonly the voluntary renunciation of sovereign power; as, abdication of the throne, government, power, authority..
Laughter :: Laughter (v. i.) A movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the face, particularly of the lips, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction, or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs. See Laugh, v. i..
Condescension :: Condescension (n.) The act of condescending; voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior; courtesy toward inferiors.
Self-motion :: Self-motion (n.) Motion given by inherent power, without external impulse; spontaneus or voluntary motion..
Free :: Free (superl.) Not subjected to the laws of physical necessity; capable of voluntary activity; endowed with moral liberty; -- said of the will.
Volunteer :: Volunteer (a.) A grantee in a voluntary conveyance; one to whom a conveyance is made without valuable consideration; a party, other than a wife or child of the grantor, to whom, or for whose benefit, a voluntary conveyance is made..
Voluntary :: Voluntary (v. t.) Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous; acting of one's self, or of itself; free..
Instinct :: Instinct (a.) Natural inward impulse; unconscious, involuntary, or unreasoning prompting to any mode of action, whether bodily, or mental, without a distinct apprehension of the end or object to be accomplished..
Animal :: Animal (n.) An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process of respiration; and by increasing in motive power or active aggressive force with progress to maturity..
Involuntary :: Involuntary (a.) Not proceeding from choice; done unwillingly; reluctant; compulsory; as, involuntary submission..
Mancipation :: Mancipation (n.) Slavery; involuntary servitude.
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