Definition of blob

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Blob (n.) A small fresh-water fish (Uranidea Richardsoni); the miller's thumb.

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Sublumbar :: Sublobular (a.) Situated under, or at the bases of, the lobules of the liver..
Pouch-mouthed :: Pouch-mouthed (a.) Having a pouch mouth; blobber-lipped.
Blob :: Blob (n.) Something blunt and round; a small drop or lump of something viscid or thick; a drop; a bubble; a blister.
Blobber :: Blobber (n.) A bubble; blubber.
Blobber-lipped :: Blobber-lipped (a.) Having thick lips.
Blob :: Blob (n.) A small fresh-water fish (Uranidea Richardsoni); the miller's thumb.
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