Definition of vole

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Vole (v. i.) To win all the tricks by a vole.

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Volery :: Volery (n.) A large bird cage; an aviary.
Volery :: Volery (n.) A flight of birds.
Vole :: Vole (n.) Any one of numerous species of micelike rodents belonging to Arvicola and allied genera of the subfamily Arvicolinae. They have a thick head, short ears, and a short hairy tail..
Disaster :: Disaster (n.) An unpropitious or baleful aspect of a planet or star; malevolent influence of a heavenly body; hence, an ill portent..
Charity :: Charity (n.) Liberality to the poor and the suffering, to benevolent institutions, or to worthy causes; generosity..
Goodness :: Goodness (n.) The quality of being good in any of its various senses; excellence; virtue; kindness; benevolence; as, the goodness of timber, of a soil, of food; goodness of character, of disposition, of conduct, etc..
Wellwisher :: Wellwisher (n.) One who wishes another well; one who is benevolently or friendlily inclined.
Manes :: Manes (n. pl.) The benevolent spirits of the dead, especially of dead ancestors, regarded as family deities and protectors..
Malevolently :: Malevolently (adv.) In a malevolent manner.
Philanthropy :: Philanthropy (n.) Love to mankind; benevolence toward the whole human family; universal good will; desire and readiness to do good to all men; -- opposed to misanthropy.
Expand :: Expand (v. t.) To cause the particles or parts of to spread themselves or stand apart, thus increasing bulk without addition of substance; to make to occupy more space; to dilate; to distend; to extend every way; to enlarge; -- opposed to contract; as, to expand the chest; heat expands all bodies; to expand the sphere of benevolence..
Condignity :: Condignity (n.) Merit, acquired by works, which can claim reward on the score of general benevolence..
Affection :: Affection (n.) Bent of mind; a feeling or natural impulse or natural impulse acting upon and swaying the mind; any emotion; as, the benevolent affections, esteem, gratitude, etc.; the malevolent affections, hatred, envy, etc.; inclination; disposition; propensity; tendency..
Universal :: Universal (a.) Of or pertaining to the universe; extending to, including, or affecting, the whole number, quantity, or space; unlimited; general; all-reaching; all-pervading; as, universal ruin; universal good; universal benevolence or benefice..
Benevolent :: Benevolent (a.) Having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable..
Gentleness :: Gentleness (n.) The quality or state of being gentle, well-born, mild, benevolent, docile, etc.; gentility; softness of manners, disposition, etc.; mildness..
Water Vole :: Water vole () See under Vole.
Systematical :: Systematical (a.) Proceeding according to system, or regular method; as, a systematic writer; systematic benevolence..
Smile :: Smile (v. i.) A somewhat similar expression of countenance, indicative of satisfaction combined with malevolent feelings, as contempt, scorn, etc; as, a scornful smile..
Malignancy :: Malignancy (n.) The state or quality of being malignant; extreme malevolence; bitter enmity; malice; as, malignancy of heart..
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