Definition of blinder

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Blinder (n.) One of the leather screens on a bridle, to hinder a horse from seeing objects at the side; a blinker..

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Blinder :: Blinder (n.) One of the leather screens on a bridle, to hinder a horse from seeing objects at the side; a blinker..
Blinker :: Blinker (n.) A blinder for horses; a flap of leather on a horse's bridle to prevent him from seeing objects as his side hence, whatever obstructs sight or discernment..
Eyeflap :: Eyeflap (n.) A blinder on a horse's bridle.
Blind :: Blind (n.) Something to hinder sight or keep out light; a screen; a cover; esp. a hinged screen or shutter for a window; a blinder for a horse.
Blinder :: Blinder (n.) One who, or that which, blinds..
Winker :: Winker (n.) A horse's blinder; a blinker.
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