Definition of vestment

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Vestment (n.) A covering or garment; some part of clothing or dres.

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Fortunate :: Fortunate (n.) Coming by good luck or favorable chance; bringing some good thing not foreseen as certain; presaging happiness; auspicious; as, a fortunate event; a fortunate concurrence of circumstances; a fortunate investment..
Investment :: Investment (n.) The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property; the amount of money invested, or that in which money is invested..
Hood :: Hood (n.) An ornamental fold at the back of an academic gown or ecclesiastical vestment; as, a master's hood..
Impersonification :: Impersonification (n.) The act of impersonating; personification; investment with personality; representation in a personal form.
Ritualism :: Ritualism (n.) Specifically :(a) The principles and practices of those in the Church of England, who in the development of the Oxford movement, so-called, have insisted upon a return to the use in church services of the symbolic ornaments (altar cloths, encharistic vestments, candles, etc.) that were sanctioned in the second year of Edward VI., and never, as they maintain, forbidden by competennt authority, although generally disused. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. (b) Also, the principles and practices o
Orphrey :: Orphrey (n.) A band of rich embroidery, wholly or in part of gold, affixed to vestments, especially those of ecclesiastics..
Investiture :: Investiture (n.) That with which anyone is invested or clothed; investment; clothing; covering.
Alb :: Alb (n.) A vestment of white linen, reaching to the feet, an enveloping the person; -- in the Roman Catholic church, worn by those in holy orders when officiating at mass. It was formerly worn, at least by clerics, in daily life..
Revenue :: Revenue (n.) That which returns, or comes back, from an investment; the annual rents, profits, interest, or issues of any species of property, real or personal; income..
Vestment :: Vestment (n.) any priestly garment.
Apothesis :: Apothesis (n.) A place on the south side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves, for books, vestments, etc..
Clothes :: Clothes (n. pl.) Covering for the human body; dress; vestments; vesture; -- a general term for whatever covering is worn, or is made to be worn, for decency or comfort..
Vestry :: Vestry (n.) A room appendant to a church, in which sacerdotal vestments and sacred utensils are sometimes kept, and where meetings for worship or parish business are held; a sacristy; -- formerly called revestiary..
Vestment :: Vestment (n.) A covering or garment; some part of clothing or dres.
Sexton :: Sexton (n.) An under officer of a church, whose business is to take care of the church building and the vessels, vestments, etc., belonging to the church, to attend on the officiating clergyman, and to perform other duties pertaining to the church, such as to dig graves, ring the bell, etc..
Investure :: Investure (n.) Investiture; investment.
Scapulary :: Scapulary (n.) A loose sleeveless vestment falling in front and behind, worn by certain religious orders and devout persons..
Revestiary :: Revestiary (n.) The apartment, in a church or temple, where the vestments, etc., are kept; -- now contracted into vestry..
Induement :: Induement (n.) The act of induing, or state of being indued; investment; endowment..
Tunicle :: Tunicle (n.) A short, close-fitting vestment worn by bishops under the dalmatic, and by subdeacons..
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