Definition of urge

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Urge (v. t.) To press hard upon; to follow closel.

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Crowd :: Crowd (v. t.) To press by solicitation; to urge; to dun; hence, to treat discourteously or unreasonably..
Chirurgeon :: Chirurgeon (n.) A surgeon.
Burgee :: Burgee (n.) A swallow-tailed flag; a distinguishing pennant, used by cutters, yachts, and merchant vessels..
Promote :: Promote (v. i.) To urge on or incite another, as to strife; also, to inform against a person..
Suricat :: Surgy (a.) Rising in surges or billows; full of surges; resembling surges in motion or appearance; swelling.
Press :: Press (v. i.) To exert pressure; to bear heavily; to push, crowd, or urge with steady force..
Farrier :: Farrier (n.) A shoer of horses; a veterinary surgeon.
Importunity :: Importunity (n.) The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent application; troublesome pertinacity.
Bourgeon :: Bourgeon (v. i.) To sprout; to put forth buds; to shoot forth, as a branch..
Hunterian :: Hunterian (a.) Discovered or described by John Hunter, an English surgeon; as, the Hunterian chancre. See Chancre..
Tallyho :: Tallyho (interj. & n.) The huntsman's cry to incite or urge on his hounds.
Insurgent :: Insurgent (a.) Rising in opposition to civil or political authority, or against an established government; insubordinate; rebellious..
Drive :: Drive (v. t.) To urge on and direct the motions of, as the beasts which draw a vehicle, or the vehicle borne by them; hence, also, to take in a carriage; to convey in a vehicle drawn by beasts; as, to drive a pair of horses or a stage; to drive a person to his own door..
Obtrude :: Obtrude (v. t.) To offer with unreasonable importunity; to urge unduly or against the will.
Shovelnose :: Shovelnose (n.) A ganoid fish of the Sturgeon family (Scaphirhynchus platyrhynchus) of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; -- called also white sturgeon.
Surge :: Surge (n.) The motion of, or produced by, a great wave..
Purge :: Purge (v. t.) To clarify; to defecate, as liquors..
Malpractice :: Malpractice (n.) Evil practice; illegal or immoral conduct; practice contrary to established rules; specifically, the treatment of a case by a surgeon or physician in a manner which is contrary to accepted rules and productive of unfavorable results..
Aural :: Aural (a.) Of or pertaining to the ear; as, aural medicine and surgery..
Splurge :: Splurge (n.) A blustering demonstration, or great effort; a great display..
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