Definition of assistant

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Assistant (a.) Of the second grade in the staff of the army; as, an assistant surgeon..

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Coadjutor :: Coadjutor (n.) The assistant of a bishop or of a priest holding a benefice.
Assistantly :: Assistantly (adv.) In a manner to give aid.
Tenter :: Tenter (n.) One who takes care of, or tends, machines in a factory; a kind of assistant foreman..
Auxiliary :: Auxiliary (n.) A helper; an assistant; a confederate in some action or enterprise.
Mate :: Mate (n.) An officer in a merchant vessel ranking next below the captain. If there are more than one bearing the title, they are called, respectively, first mate, second mate, third mate, etc. In the navy, a subordinate officer or assistant; as, master's mate; surgeon's mate..
Minister :: Minister (n.) A servant; a subordinate; an officer or assistant of inferior rank; hence, an agent, an instrument..
Legate :: Legate (n.) An official assistant given to a general or to the governor of a province.
Tend :: Tend (v. t.) To accompany as an assistant or protector; to care for the wants of; to look after; to watch; to guard; as, shepherds tend their flocks..
Lecturer :: Lecturer (n.) One who lectures; an assistant preacher.
Croupier :: Croupier (n.) One who, at a public dinner party, sits at the lower end of the table as assistant chairman..
Questman :: Questman (n.) A churchwarden's assistant; a sidesman.
Undermaster :: Undermaster (n.) A master subordinate to the principal master; an assistant master.
Assistant :: Assistant (a.) Of the second grade in the staff of the army; as, an assistant surgeon..
Landreeve :: Landreeve (n.) A subordinate officer on an extensive estate, who acts as an assistant to the steward..
Adjuvant :: Adjuvant (n.) An assistant.
Noncombatant :: Noncombatant (n.) Any person connected with an army, or within the lines of an army, who does not make it his business to fight, as any one of the medical officers and their assistants, chaplains, and others; also, any of the citizens of a place occupied by an army; also, any one holding a similar position with respect to the navy..
Assistance :: Assistance (n.) An assistant or helper; a body of helpers.
Assistant :: Assistant (n.) An attendant; one who is present.
Adjutor :: Adjutor (n.) A helper or assistant.
Underfarmer :: Underfarmer (n.) An assistant farmer.
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