Definition of unmeaning

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of unmeaning is as below...

Unmeaning (a.) Having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words..

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Weetless :: Weetless (a.) Unknowing; also, unknown; unmeaning..
Gab :: Gab (v. i.) The mouth; hence, idle prate; chatter; unmeaning talk; loquaciousness..
Unmeaning :: Unmeaning (a.) Not indicating intelligence or sense; senseless; expressionless; as, an unmeaning face..
Drivel :: Drivel (n.) Inarticulate or unmeaning utterance; foolish talk; babble.
Unmeaning :: Unmeaning (a.) Having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words..
Galimatias :: Galimatias (n.) Nonsense; gibberish; confused and unmeaning talk; confused mixture.
Prate :: Prate (n.) Talk to little purpose; trifling talk; unmeaning loquacity.
Nonsensical :: Nonsensical (a.) Without sense; unmeaning; absurb; foolish; irrational; preposterous.
Pittle-pattle :: Pittle-pattle (v. i.) To talk unmeaningly; to chatter or prattle.
Gibberish :: Gibberish (a.) Unmeaning; as, gibberish language..
Gibberish :: Gibberish (v. i.) Rapid and inarticulate talk; unintelligible language; unmeaning words; jargon.
Babble :: Babble (v. i.) To talk incoherently; to utter unmeaning words.
Scrabble :: Scrabble (v. t.) To make irregular, crooked, or unmeaning marks; to scribble; to scrawl..
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