Definition of ungulate

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Ungulate (a.) Shaped like a hoof.

Lern More About Ungulate

Uintatherium :: Uintatherium (n.) An extinct genus of large Eocene ungulates allied to Dinoceras. This name is sometimes used for nearly all the known species of the group. See Dinoceras.
Tillodontia :: Tillodontia (n. pl.) An extinct group of Mammalia found fossil in the Eocene formation. The species are related to the carnivores, ungulates, and rodents. Called also Tillodonta..
Solidungula :: Solidungula (n. pl.) A tribe of ungulates which includes the horse, ass, and related species, constituting the family Equidae..
Interungulate :: Interungulate (a.) Between ungulae; as, interungular glands..
Exungulate :: Exungulate (v. t.) To pare off, as nails, the hoof, etc..
Multungulate :: Multungulate (a.) Having many hoofs.
Solidungulate :: Solidungulate (n.) Same as Soliped.
Exungulated :: Exungulated (imp. & p. p.) of Exungulat.
Tylopoda :: Tylopoda (n. pl.) A tribe of ungulates comprising the camels.
Ungulate :: Ungulate (a.) Furnished with hoofs. See the Note under Nail, n., 1..
Artiodactyla :: Artiodactyla (n. pl.) One of the divisions of the ungulate animals. The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and the third digit of each foot (corresponding to the middle finger in man) is asymmetrical and paired with the fourth digit, as in the hog, the sheep, and the ox; -- opposed to Perissodactyla..
Ungulous :: Ungulous (a.) Same as Ungulate.
Omnivora :: Omnivora (n. pl.) A group of ungulate mammals including the hog and the hippopotamus. The term is also sometimes applied to the bears, and to certain passerine birds..
Ungulate :: Ungulate (a.) Shaped like a hoof.
Tapir :: Tapir (n.) Any one of several species of large odd-toed ungulates belonging to Tapirus, Elasmognathus, and allied genera. They have a long prehensile upper lip, short ears, short and stout legs, a short, thick tail, and short, close hair. They have three toes on the hind feet, and four toes on the fore feet, but the outermost toe is of little use..
Toxodonta :: Toxodonta ( An extinct order of Mammalia found in the South American Tertiary formation. The incisor teeth were long and curved and provided with a persistent pulp. They are supposed to be related both to the rodents and ungulates. Called also Toxodontia.
Perissodactyla :: Perissodactyla (n. pl.) A division of ungulate mammals, including those that have an odd number of toes, as the horse, tapir, and rhinoceros; -- opposed to Artiodactyla..
Ungulate :: Ungulate (n.) Any hoofed quadruped; one of the Ungulata.
Soliped :: Soliped (n.) A mammal having a single hoof on each foot, as the horses and asses; a solidungulate..
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