Definition of unbend

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Unbend (v. i.) To relax in exertion, attention, severity, or the like; hence, to indulge in mirth or amusement..

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Unbending :: Unbending (a.) Unyielding in will; not subject to persuasion or influence; inflexible; resolute; -- applied to persons.
Unbending :: Unbending (a.) Unyielding in nature; unchangeable; fixed; -- applied to abstract ideas; as, unbending truths..
Bolt :: Bolt (adv.) In the manner of a bolt; suddenly; straight; unbendingly.
Unbend :: Unbend (v. t.) To free from flexure; to make, or allow to become, straight; to loosen; as, to unbend a bow..
Stubby :: Stubborn (a.) Firm as a stub or stump; stiff; unbending; unyielding; persistent; hence, unreasonably obstinate in will or opinion; not yielding to reason or persuasion; refractory; harsh; -- said of persons and things; as, stubborn wills; stubborn ore; a stubborn oak; as stubborn as a mule..
Inflexibility :: Inflexibility (n.) The quality or state of being inflexible, or not capable of being bent or changed; unyielding stiffness; inflexibleness; rigidity; firmness of will or purpose; unbending pertinacity; steadfastness; resoluteness; unchangeableness; obstinacy..
Unbending :: Unbending (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Unben.
Unbending :: Unbending (a.) Devoted to relaxation or amusement.
Unbend :: Unbend (v. t.) To cast loose or untie, as a rope..
Unbend :: Unbend (v. t.) To unfasten, as sails, from the spars or stays to which they are attached for use..
Boisterous :: Boisterous (a.) Rough or rude; unbending; unyielding; strong; powerful.
Relax :: Relax (v. i.) To remit attention or effort; to become less diligent; to unbend; as, to relax in study..
Unbending :: Unbending (a.) Not bending; not suffering flexure; not yielding to pressure; stiff; -- applied to material things.
Unbend :: Unbend (v. t.) A remit from a strain or from exertion; to set at ease for a time; to relax; as, to unbend the mind from study or care..
Unbend :: Unbend (v. i.) To relax in exertion, attention, severity, or the like; hence, to indulge in mirth or amusement..
Unbend :: Unbend (v. i.) To cease to be bent; to become straight or relaxed.
Unbow :: Unbow (v. t.) To unbend.
Disbend :: Disbend (v. t.) To unbend.
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