Definition of ullage

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Ullage (n.) The amount which a vessel, as a cask, of liquor lacks of being full; wantage; deficiency..

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Sullage :: Sullage (n.) That which sullies or defiles.
Fullage :: Fullage (n.) The money or price paid for fulling or cleansing cloth.
Gate :: Gate (n.) The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece.
Sullage :: Sullage (n.) The scoria on the surface of molten metal in the ladle.
Sullen :: Sullage (n.) Silt; mud deposited by water.
Ullage :: Ullage (n.) The amount which a vessel, as a cask, of liquor lacks of being full; wantage; deficiency..
Gullage :: Gullage (n.) Act of being gulled.
Sullage :: Sullage (n.) Drainage of filth; filth collected from the street or highway; sewage.
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