Definition of tumbler

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Tumbler (n.) One who tumbles; one who plays tricks by various motions of the body; an acrobat.

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Vaulter :: Vaulter (n.) One who vaults; a leaper; a tumbler.
Gate :: Gate (n.) In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into..
Tumblerful :: Tumblerful (n.) As much as a tumbler will hold; enough to fill a tumbler.
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) A breed of dogs that tumble when pursuing game. They were formerly used in hunting rabbits.
Nut :: Nut (n.) The tumbler of a gunlock.
Stumbling-block :: Stumbler (n.) One who stumbles.
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) A piece attached to, or forming part of, the hammer of a gunlock, upon which the mainspring acts and in which are the notches for sear point to enter..
Bridle :: Bridle (n.) The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc..
Bit :: Bit (v.) The part of a key which enters the lock and acts upon the bolt and tumblers.
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) A kind of cart; a tumbrel.
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) One who tumbles; one who plays tricks by various motions of the body; an acrobat.
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) A movable obstruction in a lock, consisting of a lever, latch, wheel, slide, or the like, which must be adjusted to a particular position by a key or other means before the bolt can be thrown in locking or unlocking..
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) A variety of the domestic pigeon remarkable for its habit of tumbling, or turning somersaults, during its flight..
Fence :: Fence (n.) A projection on the bolt, which passes through the tumbler gates in locking and unlocking..
Stumped :: Stump (n.) A pin in a tumbler lock which forms an obstruction to throwing the bolt, except when the gates of the tumblers are properly arranged, as by the key; a fence; also, a pin or projection in a lock to form a guide for a movable piece..
Tumblerfuls :: Tumblerfuls (pl. ) of Tumblerfu.
Harquebuse :: Harquebuse (n.) A firearm with match holder, trigger, and tumbler, made in the second half of the 15th century. the barrel was about forty inches long. A form of the harquebus was subsequently called arquebus with matchlock..
Voltigeur :: Voltigeur (n.) A tumbler; a leaper or vaulter.
Glass :: Glass (v. t.) A drinking vessel; a tumbler; a goblet; hence, the contents of such a vessel; especially; spirituous liquors; as, he took a glass at dinner..
Tumbler :: Tumbler (n.) A drinking glass, without a foot or stem; -- so called because originally it had a pointed or convex base, and could not be set down with any liquor in it, thus compelling the drinker to finish his measure..
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