Definition of tub

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Tub (n.) A sweating in a tub; a tub fast.

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Ipomoeic :: Ipomoeic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of convolvulin (obtained from jalap, the tubers of Ipomoea purga), and identical in most of its properties with sebacic acid..
Spire :: Spire (n.) A tube or fuse for communicating fire to the chargen in blasting.
Athecata :: Athecata (n. pl.) A division of Hydroidea in which the zooids are naked, or not inclosed in a capsule. See Tubularian..
Difficult :: Difficult (a.) Hard to manage or to please; not easily wrought upon; austere; stubborn; as, a difficult person..
Intubation :: Intubation (n.) The introduction of a tube into an organ to keep it open, as into the larynx in croup..
Knappy :: Knappy (a.) Having knaps; full of protuberances or humps; knobby.
Tough :: Tough (superl.) Stiff; rigid; not flexible; stubborn; as, a tough bow..
Scrobicula :: Scrobicula (n.) One of the smooth areas surrounding the tubercles of a sea urchin.
Restiff :: Restiff (n.) A restive or stubborn horse.
Perverse :: Perverse (a.) Obstinate in the wrong; stubborn; intractable; hence, wayward; vexing; contrary..
Titubation :: Titubation (n.) The act of stumbling, rocking, or rolling; a reeling..
Contubernal :: Contubernal (a.) Alt. of Contubernia.
Tubulous :: Tubulous (a.) Containing, or consisting of, small tubes; specifically (Bot.), composed wholly of tubulous florets; as, a tubulous compound flower..
Monadelphia :: Monadelphia (n. pl.) A Linnaean class of plants having the stamens united into a tube, or ring, by the filaments, as in the Mallow family..
Biventral :: Biventral (a.) Having two bellies or protuberances; as, a biventral, or digastric, muscle, or the biventral lobe of the cerebellum..
Bronchia :: Bronchia (n. pl.) The bronchial tubes which arise from the branching of the trachea, esp. the subdivision of the bronchi..
Siphonata :: Siphonata (n. pl.) A tribe of bivalve mollusks in which the posterior mantle border is prolonged into two tubes or siphons. Called also Siphoniata. See Siphon, 2 (a), and Quahaug..
Spirable :: Spiodea (n. pl.) An extensive division of marine Annelida, including those that are without oral tentacles or cirri, and have the gills, when present, mostly arranged along the sides of the body. They generally live in burrows or tubes..
Leech :: Leech (n.) A glass tube of peculiar construction, adapted for drawing blood from a scarified part by means of a vacuum..
Cheng :: Cheng (n.) A chinese reed instrument, with tubes, blown by the mouth..
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