Definition of troll

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Troll (v. t.) To fish in; to seek to catch fish from.

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Nautilus :: Nautilus (n.) A variety of diving bell, the lateral as well as vertical motions of which are controlled, by the occupants..
Bleeder :: Bleeder (n.) One in whom slight wounds give rise to profuse or uncontrollable bleeding.
Stroller :: Stroll (n.) A wandering on foot; an idle and leisurely walk; a ramble.
Emancipation :: Emancipation (n.) The act of setting free from the power of another, from slavery, subjection, dependence, or controlling influence; also, the state of being thus set free; liberation; as, the emancipation of slaves; the emancipation of minors; the emancipation of a person from prejudices; the emancipation of the mind from superstition; the emancipation of a nation from tyranny or subjection..
Flaneur :: Flaneur (n.) One who strolls about aimlessly; a lounger; a loafer.
Hematophilia :: Hematophilia (n.) A condition characterized by a tendency to profuse and uncontrollable hemorrhage from the slightest wounds.
Strolling :: Strolled (imp. & p. p.) of Strol.
Controller :: Controller (n.) An officer appointed to keep a counter register of accounts, or to examine, rectify, or verify accounts..
Vagrant :: Vagrant (n.) One who strolls from place to place; one who has no settled habitation; an idle wanderer; a sturdy beggar; an incorrigible rogue; a vagabond.
Gracious :: Gracious (a.) Produced by divine grace; influenced or controlled by the divine influence; as, gracious affections..
Controlled :: Controlled (imp. & p. p.) of Contro.
Tramper :: Tramper (n.) One who tramps; a stroller; a vagrant or vagabond; a tramp.
Troll :: Troll (v. i.) To fish with a rod whose line runs on a reel; also, to fish by drawing the hook through the water..
Lawless :: Lawless (a.) Not subject to the laws of nature; uncontrolled.
Wander :: Wander (v. i.) To ramble here and there without any certain course or with no definite object in view; to range about; to stroll; to rove; as, to wander over the fields..
Convert :: Convert (n.) A person who is converted from one opinion or practice to another; a person who is won over to, or heartily embraces, a creed, religious system, or party, in which he has not previously believed; especially, one who turns from the controlling power of sin to that of holiness, or from unbelief to Christianity..
Troll :: Troll (v. i.) To take part in trolling a song.
Troll :: Troll (n.) The act of moving round; routine; repetition.
Troll :: Troll (v. t.) To angle for with a trolling line, or with a book drawn along the surface of the water; hence, to allure..
Uncontrollable :: Uncontrollable (a.) Indisputable; irrefragable; as, an uncontrollable maxim; an uncontrollable title..
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