Definition of trident

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Trident (n.) A kind of scepter or spear with three prongs, -- the common attribute of Neptune..

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Trident :: Trident (n.) A curve of third order, having three infinite branches in one direction and a fourth infinite branch in the opposite direction..
Trident :: Trident (n.) A three-pronged fish spear.
Stridor :: Strident (a.) Characterized by harshness; grating; shrill.
Tridented :: Tridented (a.) Having three prongs; trident; tridentate; as, a tridented mace..
Tridentiferous :: Tridentiferous (a.) Bearing a trident.
Trisuls :: Trisuls (n.) Something having three forks or prongs, as a trident..
Tridentine :: Tridentine (a.) Of or pertaining to Trent, or the general church council held in that city..
Sagebrush :: Sagebrush (n.) A low irregular shrub (Artemisia tridentata), of the order Compositae, covering vast tracts of the dry alkaline regions of the American plains; -- called also sagebush, and wild sage..
Neptune :: Neptune (n.) The son of Saturn and Ops, the god of the waters, especially of the sea. He is represented as bearing a trident for a scepter..
Trident :: Trident (n.) A three-pronged spear or goad, used for urging horses; also, the weapon used by one class of gladiators..
Artemisia :: Artemisia (n.) A genus of plants including the plants called mugwort, southernwood, and wormwood. Of these A. absinthium, or common wormwood, is well known, and A. tridentata is the sage brush of the Rocky Mountain region..
Tridentate :: Tridentate (a.) Alt. of Tridentate.
Monkflower :: Monkflower (n.) A name of certain curious orchids which bear three kinds of flowers formerly referred to three genera, but now ascertained to be sexually different forms of the same genus (Catasetum tridentatum, etc.)..
Tri- :: Tri- () A prefix meaning three, thrice, threefold; as in tricolored, tridentate..
Trident :: Trident (n.) A kind of scepter or spear with three prongs, -- the common attribute of Neptune..
Tridentated :: Tridentated (a.) Having three teeth; three-toothed.
Retiarius :: Retiarius (n.) A gladiator armed with a net for entangling his adversary and a trident for despatching him.
Trident :: Trident (a.) Having three teeth or prongs; tridentate.
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