Definition of tricker

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Tricker (n.) A trigger.

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Jugglery :: "Jugglery (n.) Trickery; imposture; as, political jugglery..
Fleece :: Fleece (v. t.) To strip of money or other property unjustly, especially by trickery or fraud; to bring to straits by oppressions and exactions..
Chicane :: Chicane (n.) The use of artful subterfuge, designed to draw away attention from the merits of a case or question; -- specifically applied to legal proceedings; trickery; chicanery; caviling; sophistry..
Tregetry :: Tregetry (n.) Trickery; also, a trick..
Dodgery :: Dodgery (n.) trickery; artifice.
Tricker :: Tricker (n.) A trigger.
Politics :: Politics (n.) The management of a political party; the conduct and contests of parties with reference to political measures or the administration of public affairs; the advancement of candidates to office; in a bad sense, artful or dishonest management to secure the success of political candidates or parties; political trickery..
Elusion :: Elusion (n.) Act of eluding; adroit escape, as by artifice; a mockery; a cheat; trickery..
Tricker :: Tricker (n.) One who tricks; a trickster.
Knavery :: Knavery (n.) The practices of a knave; petty villainy; fraud; trickery; a knavish action.
Treget :: Treget (n.) Guile; trickery.
Fleecer :: Fleecer (n.) One who fleeces or strips unjustly, especially by trickery or fraund..
Underdealing :: Underdealing (n.) Crafty, unfair, or underhand dealing; unfair practice; trickery..
Artery :: Artery (n.) One of the vessels or tubes which carry either venous or arterial blood from the heart. They have tricker and more muscular walls than veins, and are connected with them by capillaries..
Gullery :: Gullery (n.) An act, or the practice, of gulling; trickery; fraud..
Trickster :: Trickster (n.) One who tricks; a deceiver; a tricker; a cheat.
Losengerie :: Losengerie (n.) Flattery; deceit; trickery.
Shark :: Shark (v. t. & i.) Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark..
Cheat :: Cheat (v. i.) To practice fraud or trickery; as, to cheat at cards..
Shirk :: Shirk (v. t.) To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation.
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