Definition of trample

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Trample (v. i.) To tread in contempt; -- with on or upon.

Lern More About Trample

Tread :: Tread (v. t.) To crush under the foot; to trample in contempt or hatred; to subdue.
Trample :: Trample (v. t.) Fig.: To treat with contempt and insult.
Trampled :: Trampled (imp. & p. p.) of Trampl.
Abature :: Abature (n.) Grass and sprigs beaten or trampled down by a stag passing through them.
Patio :: Patio (n.) A paved yard or floor where ores are cleaned and sorted, or where ore, salt, mercury, etc., are trampled by horses, to effect intermixture and amalgamation..
Insult :: Insult (v. t.) To leap or trample upon; to make a sudden onset upon.
Trample :: Trample (v. i.) To tread in contempt; -- with on or upon.
Trample :: Trample (v. i.) To tread with force and rapidity; to stamp.
Trample :: Trample (n.) The act of treading under foot; also, the sound produced by trampling..
Conculcate :: Conculcate (v. t.) To tread or trample under foot.
Fortread :: Fortread (v. t.) To tread down; to trample upon.
Override :: Override (v. t.) To ride over or across; to ride upon; to trample down.
Trample :: Trample (v. t.) To tread under foot; to tread down; to prostrate by treading; as, to trample grass or flowers..
Trampler :: Trampler (n.) One who tramples; one who treads down; as, a trampler on nature's law..
Waddle :: Waddle (v. t.) To trample or tread down, as high grass, by walking through it..
Downtrodden :: Downtrodden (a.) Trodden down; trampled down; abused by superior power.
Tramp :: Tramp (v. i.) To tread upon forcibly and repeatedly; to trample.
Paddle :: Paddle (v. t.) To pad; to tread upon; to trample.
Foil :: Foil (v. t.) To tread under foot; to trample.
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