Definition of town

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Town (adv. & prep.) A township; the whole territory within certain limits, less than those of a country..

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Plaza :: Plaza (n.) A public square in a city or town.
Seaport :: Seaport (n.) A port on the seashore, or one accessible for seagoing vessels. Also used adjectively; as, a seaport town..
Fortress :: Fortress (n.) A fortified place; a large and permanent fortification, sometimes including a town; a fort; a castle; a stronghold; a place of defense or security..
Townsman :: Townsman (n.) An inhabitant of a town; one of the same town with another.
Town-crier :: Town-crier (n.) A town officer who makes proclamations to the people; the public crier of a town.
Dismantle :: Dismantle (v. t.) To strip of furniture and equipments, guns, etc.; to unrig; to strip of walls or outworks; to break down; as, to dismantle a fort, a town, or a ship..
Country :: Country (a.) Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city..
Urban :: Urban (a.) Of or belonging to a city or town; as, an urban population..
Manufacturing :: Manufacturing (a.) Employed, or chiefly employed, in manufacture; as, a manufacturing community; a manufacturing town..
Town :: Town (adv. & prep.) A township; the whole territory within certain limits, less than those of a country..
Fire :: Fire (n.) The burning of a house or town; a conflagration.
Capital :: Capital (n.) The seat of government; the chief city or town in a country; a metropolis.
Together :: Together (prep.) In company or association with respect to place or time; as, to live together in one house; to live together in the same age; they walked together to the town..
Amphictyonic :: Amphictyonic (a.) Of or pertaining to the Amphictyons or their League or Council; as, an Amphictyonic town or state; the Amphictyonic body..
Murage :: Murage (n.) A tax or toll paid for building or repairing the walls of a fortified town.
Jimson Weed :: Jimson weed () See Jamestown weed.
Stramony :: Stramonium (n.) A poisonous plant (Datura Stramonium); stinkweed. See Datura, and Jamestown weed..
Tramway :: Tramway (n.) A railway laid in the streets of a town or city, on which cars for passengers or for freight are drawn by horses; a horse railroad..
Staple :: Staple (a.) Pertaining to, or being market of staple for, commodities; as, a staple town..
Townward :: Townward (adv.) Alt. of Townward.
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