Definition of touch

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Touch (v. t.) To mark or delineate with touches; to add a slight stroke to with the pencil or brush.

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Tact :: Tact (n.) The sense of touch; feeling.
Touch-me-not :: Touch-me-not (n.) Squirting cucumber. See under Cucumber.
Blottesque :: Blottesque (a.) Characterized by blots or heavy touches; coarsely depicted; wanting in delineation.
Touchhole :: Touchhole (n.) The vent of a cannot or other firearm, by which fire is communicateed to the powder of the charge..
Touch :: Touch (v.) A hint; a suggestion; slight notice.
Vent :: Vent (n.) The opening at the breech of a firearm, through which fire is communicated to the powder of the charge; touchhole..
Touch :: Touch (v.) Hence, examination or trial by some decisive standard; test; proof; tried quality..
Tickle :: Tickle (a.) Wavering, or liable to waver and fall at the slightest touch; unstable; easily overthrown..
Contact :: Contact (n.) A close union or junction of bodies; a touching or meeting.
Portpane :: Portpane (n.) A cloth for carrying bread, so as not to touch it with the hands..
Perstringe :: Perstringe (v. t.) To criticise; to touch upon.
Touch :: Touch (v. t.) To be tangent to. See Tangent, a..
Conjoined :: Conjoined (a.) Joined together or touching.
Unfinished :: Unfinished (a.) Not finished, not brought to an end; imperfect; incomplete; left in the rough; wanting the last hand or touch; as, an unfinished house; an unfinished picture; an unfinished iron casting..
Feeling :: Feeling (n.) The sense by which the mind, through certain nerves of the body, perceives external objects, or certain states of the body itself; that one of the five senses which resides in the general nerves of sensation distributed over the body, especially in its surface; the sense of touch; nervous sensibility to external objects..
Flytrap :: Flytrap (n.) A plant (Dionaea muscipula), called also Venus's flytrap, the leaves of which are fringed with stiff bristles, and fold together when certain hairs on their upper surface are touched, thus seizing insects that light on them. The insects so caught are afterwards digested by a secretion from the upper surface of the leaves..
Lip :: Lip (v. t.) To touch with the lips; to put the lips to; hence, to kiss..
Tact :: Tact (n.) Sensitive mental touch; peculiar skill or faculty; nice perception or discernment; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances.
Intangible :: Intangible (a.) Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible.
Tangent :: Tangent (a.) Touching; touching at a single poin.
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