Definition of thrum

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Thrum (v. i.) Hence, to make a monotonous drumming noise; as, to thrum on a table..

Lern More About Thrum

Pyrethrine :: Pyrethrine (n.) An alkaloid extracted from the root of the pellitory of Spain (Anacyclus pyrethrum).
Pellitory :: Pellitory (n.) A composite plant (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) of the Mediterranean region, having finely divided leaves and whitish flowers. The root is the officinal pellitory, and is used as an irritant and sialogogue. Called also bertram, and pellitory of Spain..
Thrum :: Thrum (v. i.) Hence, to make a monotonous drumming noise; as, to thrum on a table..
Thrum :: Thrum (v. t.) Hence, to drum on; to strike in a monotonous manner; to thrum the table..
Loosestrife :: Loosestrife (n.) Any species of the genus Lythrum, having purple, or, in some species, crimson flowers..
Thrummy :: Thrummy (a.) Like thrums; made of, furnished with, or characterized by, thrums..
Thrumwort :: Thrumwort (n.) A kind of amaranth (Amarantus caudatus).
Thrum :: Thrum (v. t.) To play, as a stringed instrument, in a rude or monotonous manner..
Struma :: Strum (v. t. & i.) To play on an instrument of music, or as on an instrument, in an unskillful or noisy way; to thrum; as, to strum a piano..
Mop :: Mop (n.) An implement for washing floors, or the like, made of a piece of cloth, or a collection of thrums, or coarse yarn, fastened to a handle..
Thrum :: Thrum (v. t.) To furnish with thrums; to insert tufts in; to fringe.
Bertram :: Bertram (n.) Pellitory of Spain (Anacyclus pyrethrum).
Plethrum :: Plethrum (n.) A long measure of 100 Greek, or 101 English, feet; also, a square measure of 10,000 Greek feet..
Thrum :: Thrum (v. i.) To play rudely or monotonously on a stringed instrument with the fingers; to strum.
Thrummed :: Thrummed (imp. & p. p.) of Thru.
Pyrethrin :: Pyrethrin (n.) A substance resembling, and isomeric with, ordinary camphor, and extracted from the essential oil of feverfew; -- called also Pyrethrum camphor..
Pin-eyed :: Pin-eyed (a.) Having the stigma visible at the throad of a gamopetalous corolla, while the stamens are concealed in the tube; -- said of dimorphous flowers. The opposite of thrum-eyed..
Podarthrum :: Podarthrum (n.) The foot joint; in birds, the joint between the metatarsus and the toes..
Feverfew :: Feverfew (n.) A perennial plant (Pyrethrum, / Chrysanthemum, Parthenium) allied to camomile, having finely divided leaves and white blossoms; -- so named from its supposed febrifugal qualities..
Fother :: Fother (v. t.) To stop (a leak in a ship at sea) by drawing under its bottom a thrummed sail, so that the pressure of the water may force it into the crack..
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