Definition of billet

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Billet (v. t.) To direct, by a ticket or note, where to lodge. Hence: To quarter, or place in lodgings, as soldiers in private houses..

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Billet :: Billet (n.) A strap which enters a buckle.
Scrutiny :: Scrutiny (n.) A ticket, or little paper billet, on which a vote is written..
Billet :: Billet (n.) A loop which receives the end of a buckled strap.
Billethead :: Billethead (n.) A round piece of timber at the bow or stern of a whaleboat, around which the harpoon lone is run out when the whale darts off..
Tallwood :: Tallwood (n.) Firewood cut into billets of a certain length.
Billet :: Billet (n.) A short bar of metal, as of gold or iron..
Note :: Note (n.) A short informal letter; a billet.
Larget :: Larget (n.) A sport piece of bar iron for rolling into a sheet; a small billet.
Billet :: Billet (n.) A bearing in the form of an oblong rectangle.
Spragged :: Sprag (n.) A billet of wood; a piece of timber used as a prop.
Billet :: Billet (v. t.) To direct, by a ticket or note, where to lodge. Hence: To quarter, or place in lodgings, as soldiers in private houses..
Billeting :: Billeting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bille.
Billets-doux :: Billets-doux (pl. ) of Billet-dou.
Billet :: Billet (n.) A ticket from a public officer directing soldiers at what house to lodge; as, a billet of residence..
Billet :: Billet (n.) An ornament in Norman work, resembling a billet of wood either square or round..
Clavellated :: Clavellated (a.) Said of potash, probably in reference to its having been obtained from billets of wood by burning..
Billeted :: Billeted (imp. & p. p.) of Bille.
Shide :: Shide (n.) A thin board; a billet of wood; a splinter.
Notelet :: Notelet (n.) A little or short note; a billet.
Billet :: Billet (n.) A small stick of wood, as for firewood..
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