Definition of thinking

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Thinking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Thin.

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Meaning :: Meaning (n.) Sense; power of thinking.
Freethinking :: Freethinking (a.) Exhibiting undue boldness of speculation; skeptical.
Forethought :: Forethought (n.) A thinking or planning beforehand; prescience; premeditation; forecast; provident care.
Thought :: Thought (n.) The act of thinking; the exercise of the mind in any of its higher forms; reflection; cogitation.
Humble :: Humble (superl.) Thinking lowly of one's self; claiming little for one's self; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; thinking one's self ill-deserving or unworthy, when judged by the demands of God; lowly; waek; modest..
Unthinking :: Unthinking (a.) Not thinking; not heedful; thoughtless; inconsiderate; as, unthinking youth..
Opination :: Opination (n.) The act of thinking; a supposition.
Bethinking :: Bethinking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bethin.
Incogitativity :: Incogitativity (n.) The quality of being incogitative; want of thought or of the power of thinking.
Thinking :: Thinking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Thin.
Freethinking :: Freethinking (n.) Undue boldness of speculation; unbelief.
Logic :: Logic (n.) The science or art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thought, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure thinking should be conducted; the science of the formation and application of general notions; the science of generalization, judgment, classification, reasoning, and systematic arrangement; correct reasoning..
Power :: Power (n.) Mental or moral ability to act; one of the faculties which are possessed by the mind or soul; as, the power of thinking, reasoning, judging, willing, fearing, hoping, etc..
Unthinking :: Unthinking (a.) Not indicating thought or reflection; thoughtless.
Logical :: Logical (a.) Skilled in logic; versed in the art of thinking and reasoning; as, he is a logical thinker..
Modernization :: Modernization (n.) The act of rendering modern in style; the act or process of causing to conform to modern of thinking or acting.
Reasonable :: Reasonable (n.) Governed by reason; being under the influence of reason; thinking, speaking, or acting rationally, or according to the dictates of reason; agreeable to reason; just; rational; as, the measure must satisfy all reasonable men..
Excogitate :: Excogitate (v. t.) To think out; to find out or discover by thinking; to devise; to contrive.
Dignation :: Dignation (n.) The act of thinking worthy; honor.
Subject :: Subject (a.) Hence, that substance or being which is conscious of its own operations; the mind; the thinking agent or principal; the ego. Cf. Object, n., 2..
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