Definition of theatre

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Theatre (n.) A place or region where great events are enacted; as, the theater of war..

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Amphitheatre :: Amphitheatre (n.) An oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats about an open space called the arena.
Theatre :: Theatre (n.) A place or region where great events are enacted; as, the theater of war..
Theatre :: Theatre (n.) A sphere or scheme of operation.
Amphitheatre :: Amphitheatre (n.) Anything resembling an amphitheater in form; as, a level surrounded by rising slopes or hills, or a rising gallery in a theater..
Theatre :: Theatre (n.) Any room adapted to the exhibition of any performances before an assembly, as public lectures, scholastic exercises, anatomical demonstrations, surgical operations, etc..
Theatre :: Theatre (n.) That which resembles a theater in form, use, or the like; a place rising by steps or gradations, like the seats of a theater..
Theatre :: Theatre (n.) An edifice in which dramatic performances or spectacles are exhibited for the amusement of spectators; anciently uncovered, except the stage, but in modern times roofed..
Histrionical :: Histrionical (a.) Of or relating to the stage or a stageplayer; befitting a theatre; theatrical; -- sometimes in a bad sense.
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