Definition of tetanus

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Tetanus (n.) That condition of a muscle in which it is in a state of continued vibratory contraction, as when stimulated by a series of induction shocks..

Lern More About Tetanus

Tetany :: Tetany (n.) A morbid condition resembling tetanus, but distinguished from it by being less severe and having intermittent spasms..
Tetanize :: Tetanize (v. t.) To throw, as a muscle, into a state of permanent contraction; to cause tetanus in. See Tetanus, n., 2..
Traumatic :: Traumatic (a.) Produced by wounds; as, traumatic tetanus..
Pleurothotonus :: Pleurothotonus (n.) A species of tetanus, in which the body is curved laterally..
Entasia :: Entasia (n.) Tonic spasm; -- applied generically to denote any disease characterized by tonic spasms, as tetanus, trismus, etc..
Electrogeny :: Electrogeny (n.) A term sometimes applied to the effects (tetanus) produced in the muscles of the limbs, when a current of electricity is passed along the spinal cord or nerves..
Tetanus :: Tetanus (n.) That condition of a muscle in which it is in a state of continued vibratory contraction, as when stimulated by a series of induction shocks..
Lockjaw :: Lockjaw (n.) A contraction of the muscles of the jaw by which its motion is suspended; a variety of tetanus.
Tetanization :: Tetanization (n.) The production or condition of tetanus.
Tetanic :: Tetanic (a.) Of or pertaining to tetanus; having the character of tetanus; as, a tetanic state; tetanic contraction..
Tetanus :: Tetanus (n.) A painful and usually fatal disease, resulting generally from a wound, and having as its principal symptom persistent spasm of the voluntary muscles. When the muscles of the lower jaw are affected, it is called locked-jaw, or lickjaw, and it takes various names from the various incurvations of the body resulting from the spasm..
Tetanic :: Tetanic (a.) Producing, or tending to produce, tetanus, or tonic contraction of the muscles; as, a tetanic remedy. See Tetanic, n..
Tetanin :: Tetanin (n.) A poisonous base (ptomaine) formed in meat broth through the agency of a peculiar microbe from the wound of a person who has died of tetanus; -- so called because it produces tetanus as one of its prominent effects.
Tetanoid :: Tetanoid (a.) Resembling tetanus.
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