Definition of testicle

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Testicle (n.) One of the essential male genital glands which secrete the semen.

Lern More About Testicle

Orchotomy :: Orchotomy (n.) The operation of cutting out or removing a testicle by the knife; castration.
Orchitis :: Orchitis (n.) Inflammation of the testicles.
Parorchis :: Parorchis (n.) The part of the epididymis; or the corresponding part of the excretory duct of the testicle, which is derived from the Wolffian body..
Dowset :: Dowset (n.) A dowcet, or deep's testicle..
Sarcocele :: Sarcocele (n.) Any solid tumor of the testicle.
Testiculate :: Testiculate (a.) Having two tubers resembling testicles in form, as some species of orchis..
Testiculate :: Testiculate (a.) Shaped like a testicle, ovate and solid..
Semicastrate :: Semicastrate (v. t.) To deprive of one testicle.
Testis :: Testis (n.) A testicle.
Hydrocele :: Hydrocele (n.) A collection of serous fluid in the areolar texture of the scrotum or in the coverings, especially in the serous sac, investing the testicle or the spermatic cord; dropsy of the testicle..
Testicle :: Testicle (n.) One of the essential male genital glands which secrete the semen.
Dowcet :: Dowcet (n.) One of the testicles of a hart or stag.
Scrotum :: Scrotum (n.) The bag or pouch which contains the testicles; the cod.
Cremaster :: Cremaster (n.) A thin muscle which serves to draw up the testicle.
Coilon :: Coilon (n.) A testicle.
Spermary :: Spermary (n.) An organ in which spermatozoa are developed; a sperm gland; a testicle.
Swig :: Swig (v. t.) To castrate, as a ram, by binding the testicles tightly with a string, so that they mortify and slough off..
Stone :: Stone (n.) One of the testes; a testicle.
Testicond :: Testicond (a.) Having the testicles naturally concealed, as in the case of the cetaceans..
Epididymis :: Epididymis (n.) An oblong vermiform mass on the dorsal side of the testicle, composed of numerous convolutions of the excretory duct of that organ..
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