Definition of telling

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Telling (a.) Operating with great effect; effective; as, a telling speech..

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Telling :: Telling (a.) Operating with great effect; effective; as, a telling speech..
Chirography :: Chirography (n.) The art of telling fortunes by examining the hand.
Ariolation :: Ariolation (n.) A soothsaying; a foretelling.
Narration :: Narration (n.) The act of telling or relating the particulars of an event; rehearsal; recital.
Foretelling :: Foretelling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Foretel.
Soothsaying :: Soothsaying (n.) The act of one who soothsays; the foretelling of events; the art or practice of making predictions.
Cartomancy :: Cartomancy (n.) The art of telling fortunes with cards.
Story-telling :: Story-telling (a.) Being accustomed to tell stories.
Mistelling :: Mistelling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mistel.
Prognosis :: Prognosis (n.) The act or art of foretelling the course and termination of a disease; also, the outlook afforded by this act of judgment; as, the prognosis of hydrophobia is bad..
Metopomancy :: Metopomancy (n.) Fortune telling by physiognomy.
Prognostication :: Prognostication (n.) The act of foreshowing or foretelling something future by present signs; prediction.
Talebearing :: Talebearing (a.) Telling tales officiously.
Story-writer :: Story-telling (n.) The act or practice of telling stories.
Divination :: Divination (n.) The act of divining; a foreseeing or foretelling of future events; the pretended art discovering secret or future by preternatural means.
Telltale :: Telltale (a.) Telling tales; babbling.
Gossip :: Gossip (n.) One who runs house to house, tattling and telling news; an idle tattler..
Astrology :: Astrology (n.) In its etymological signification, the science of the stars; among the ancients, synonymous with astronomy; subsequently, the art of judging of the influences of the stars upon human affairs, and of foretelling events by their position and aspects..
Outtell :: Outtell (v. t.) To surpass in telling, counting, or reckoning..
Newsmonger :: Newsmonger (n.) One who deals in news; one who is active in hearing and telling news.
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