Aforethought :: Aforethought (a.) Premeditated; prepense; previously in mind; designed; as, malice aforethought, which is required to constitute murder..
Foretaste :: Foretaste (n.) A taste beforehand; enjoyment in advance; anticipation.
Foretaste :: Foretaste (v. t.) To taste before full possession; to have previous enjoyment or experience of; to anticipate.
Foretaster :: Foretaster (n.) One who tastes beforehand, or before another..
Foretell :: Foretell (v. t.) To predict; to tell before occurence; to prophesy; to foreshow.
Forethink :: Forethink (v. t.) To think beforehand; to anticipate in the mind; to prognosticate.
Forethink :: Forethink (v. t.) To contrive (something) beforehend.
Forethought :: Forethought (a.) Thought of, or planned, beforehand; aforethought; prepense; hence, deliberate..
Forethought :: Forethought (n.) A thinking or planning beforehand; prescience; premeditation; forecast; provident care.
Foretime :: Foretime (n.) The past; the time before the present.
Foretoken :: Foretoken (v. t.) To foreshow; to presignify; to prognosticate.
Foretop :: Foretop (n.) The hair on the forepart of the head; esp., a tuft or lock of hair which hangs over the forehead, as of a horse..
Foretop :: Foretop (n.) That part of a headdress that is in front; the top of a periwig.
Foretop :: Foretop (n.) The platform at the head of the foremast.