Definition of tarpaulin

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Tarpaulin (n.) A hat made of, or covered with, painted or tarred cloth, worn by sailors and others..

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Waistcloth :: Waistcloth (n.) A covering of canvas or tarpaulin for the hammocks, stowed on the nettings, between the quarterdeck and the forecastle..
Tarpaulin :: Tarpaulin (n.) A piece of canvas covered with tar or a waterproof composition, used for covering the hatches of a ship, hammocks, boats, etc..
Paulin :: Paulin (n.) See Tarpaulin.
Tarpaulin :: Tarpaulin (n.) A hat made of, or covered with, painted or tarred cloth, worn by sailors and others..
Batten :: Batten (n .) A strip of sawed stuff, or a scantling; as, (a) pl. (Com. & Arch.) Sawed timbers about 7 by 2 1/2 inches and not less than 6 feet long. Brande & C. (b) (Naut.) A strip of wood used in fastening the edges of a tarpaulin to the deck, also around masts to prevent chafing. (c) A long, thin strip used to strengthen a part, to cover a crack, etc..
Tarpaulin :: Tarpaulin (n.) Hence, a sailor; a seaman; a tar..
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