Definition of tangential

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Tangential (a.) Of or pertaining to a tangent; in the direction of a tangent.

Lern More About Tangential

Tangentially :: Tangentially (adv.) In the direction of a tangent.
Tangental :: Tangental (a.) Tangential.
Stress :: Stress (n.) The force, or combination of forces, which produces a strain; force exerted in any direction or manner between contiguous bodies, or parts of bodies, and taking specific names according to its direction, or mode of action, as thrust or pressure, pull or tension, shear or tangential stress..
Tangential :: Tangential (a.) Of or pertaining to a tangent; in the direction of a tangent.
Shear :: Shear (v. t.) An action, resulting from applied forces, which tends to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide relatively to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact; -- also called shearing stress, and tangential stress..
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