Definition of sweat

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Sweat (v. i.) The act of sweating; or the state of one who sweats; hence, labor; toil; drudgery..

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Sweat :: Sweat (v. i.) To emit moisture, as green plants in a heap..
Tub :: Tub (n.) A sweating in a tub; a tub fast.
Forswat :: Forswat (a.) Spent with heat; covered with sweat.
Perspiration :: Perspiration (n.) That which is excreted through the skin; sweat.
Sweat :: Sweat (v. t.) To emit or suffer to flow from the pores; to exude.
Sweater :: Sweater (n.) One who sweats.
Bagnio :: Bagnio (n.) A house for bathing, sweating, etc.; -- also, in Turkey, a prison for slaves..
Sudatories :: Sudatory (a.) Sweating; perspiring.
Sudden :: Sudatory (n.) A bagnio; a sweating bath; a vapor bath.
Lather :: Lather (n.) Foam from profuse sweating, as of a horse..
Sweatiness :: Sweatily (adv.) In a sweaty manner.
Osmidrosis :: Osmidrosis (n.) The secretion of fetid sweat.
Sweat :: Sweat (v. i.) Moisture issuing from any substance; as, the sweat of hay or grain in a mow or stack..
Swatch :: Swat () imp. of Sweat.
Sweat :: Sweat (v. t.) To get something advantageous, as money, property, or labor from (any one), by exaction or oppression; as, to sweat a spendthrift; to sweat laborers..
Bloody Sweat :: Bloody sweat () A sweat accompanied by a discharge of blood; a disease, called sweating sickness, formerly prevalent in England and other countries..
Leucophlegmacy :: Leucophlegmacy (n.) A dropsical habit of body, or the commencement of anasarca; paleness, with viscid juices and cold sweats..
Bead :: Bead (n.) A drop of sweat or other liquid.
Stigma :: Stigma (v. t.) A red speck upon the skin, produced either by the extravasation of blood, as in the bloody sweat characteristic of certain varieties of religious ecstasy, or by capillary congestion, as in the case of drunkards..
Sudorific :: Sudoriferous (a.) Producing, or secreting, sweat; sudoriparous..
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