Definition of swarth

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Swarth (n.) Sward; short grass.

Lern More About Swarth

Swarth :: Swarth (n.) An apparition of a person about to die; a wraith.
Swarve :: Swarty (a.) Swarthy; tawny.
Swartish :: Swartiness (n.) Swarthiness.
Swarthily :: Swarth (n.) See Swath.
Swarth :: Swarth (a.) Swart; swarthy.
Swarthiness :: Swarthily (adv.) In a swarthy manner; with a tawny hue; duskily.
Swart :: Swart (a.) Of a dark hue; moderately black; swarthy; tawny.
Swarth :: Swarth (n.) Sward; short grass.
Swarthy :: Swarthy (a.) Being of a dark hue or dusky complexion; tawny; swart; as, swarthy faces..
Dun :: Dun (a.) Of a dark color; of a color partaking of a brown and black; of a dull brown color; swarthy.
Swartiness :: Swarthy (v. t.) To make swarthy.
Moor :: Moor (n.) Any individual of the swarthy races of Africa or Asia which have adopted the Mohammedan religion.
Arab :: Arab (n.) One of a swarthy race occupying Arabia, and numerous in Syria, Northern Africa, etc..
Swarthy :: Swarthness (n.) Swarthiness.
Swarthness :: Swarthiness (n.) The quality or state of being swarthy; a dusky or dark complexion; tawniness.
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