Definition of summary

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Summary (a.) Formed into a sum; summed up; reduced into a narrow compass, or into few words; short; brief; concise; compendious; as, a summary statement of facts..

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Short :: Short (n.) A summary account.
Yearbook :: Yearbook (n.) A book published yearly; any annual report or summary of the statistics or facts of a year, designed to be used as a reference book; as, the Congregational Yearbook..
Synoptic :: Synopsis (n.) A general view, or a collection of heads or parts so arranged as to exhibit a general view of the whole; an abstract or summary of a discourse; a syllabus; a conspectus..
Breviary :: Breviary (n.) An abridgment; a compend; an epitome; a brief account or summary.
Compend :: Compend (n.) A compendium; an epitome; a summary.
Sentence :: Sentence (n.) A philosophical or theological opinion; a dogma; as, Summary of the Sentences; Book of the Sentences..
Summary :: Summarize (v. t.) To comprise in, or reduce to, a summary; to present briefly..
Chapiter :: Chapiter (n.) A summary in writing of such matters as are to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre, or justices of assize, or of the peace, in their sessions; -- also called articles..
Summaries :: Summary (a.) Hence, rapidly performed; quickly executed; as, a summary process; to take summary vengeance..
Minute :: Minute (p. pr. & vb. n.) To set down a short sketch or note of; to jot down; to make a minute or a brief summary of.
Abstract :: Abstract (a.) That which comprises or concentrates in itself the essential qualities of a larger thing or of several things. Specifically: A summary or an epitome, as of a treatise or book, or of a statement; a brief..
Institute :: Institute (a.) Hence: An elementary and necessary principle; a precept, maxim, or rule, recognized as established and authoritative; usually in the plural, a collection of such principles and precepts; esp., a comprehensive summary of legal principles and decisions; as, the Institutes of Justinian; Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England. Cf. Digest, n..
Expulsion :: Expulsion (n.) The act of expelling; a driving or forcing out; summary removal from membership, association, etc..
Catechism :: Catechism (n.) A book containing a summary of principles, especially of religious doctrine, reduced to the form of questions and answers..
Preterition :: Preterition (n.) A figure by which, in pretending to pass over anything, a summary mention of it is made; as, I will not say, he is valiant, he is learned, he is just. Called also paraleipsis..
Encyclopaedia :: Encyclopaedia (n.) The circle of arts and sciences; a comprehensive summary of knowledge, or of a branch of knowledge; esp., a work in which the various branches of science or art are discussed separately, and usually in alphabetical order; a cyclopedia..
Precis :: Precis (n.) A concise or abridged statement or view; an abstract; a summary.
Creed :: Creed (v. t.) Any summary of principles or opinions professed or adhered to.
Summation :: Summary (a.) A general or comprehensive statement; an abridged account; an abstract, abridgment, or compendium, containing the sum or substance of a fuller account..
Epitome :: Epitome (n.) A work in which the contents of a former work are reduced within a smaller space by curtailment and condensation; a brief summary; an abridgement.
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