Definition of suicide

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Suicide (adv.) One guilty of self-murder; a felo-de-se.

Lern More About Suicide

Self-slaughter :: Self-slaughter (n.) Suicide.
Felo-de-se :: Felo-de-se (n.) One who deliberately puts an end to his own existence, or loses his life while engaged in the commission of an unlawful or malicious act; a suicide..
Self-murderer :: Self-murderer (n.) A suicide.
Suicidical :: Suicide (adv.) Ruin of one's own interests.
Self-destruction :: Self-destruction (n.) The destruction of one's self; self-murder; suicide.
Haye :: Haye (n.) The Egyptian asp or cobra (Naja haje.) It is related to the cobra of India, and like the latter has the power of inflating its neck into a hood. Its bite is very venomous. It is supposed to be the snake by means of whose bite Cleopatra committed suicide, and hence is sometimes called Cleopatra's snake or asp. See Asp..
Self-homicide :: Self-homicide (n.) The act of killing one's self; suicide.
Self-murder :: Self-murder (a.) Suicide.
Suicide :: Suicide (adv.) One guilty of self-murder; a felo-de-se.
Suicide :: Suicide (adv.) The act of taking one's own life voluntary and intentionally; self-murder; specifically (Law), the felonious killing of one's self; the deliberate and intentional destruction of one's own life by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind..
Hara-kiri :: Hara-kiri (n.) Suicide, by slashing the abdomen, formerly practiced in Japan, and commanded by the government in the cases of disgraced officials; disembowelment; -- also written, but incorrectly, hari-kari..
Self-destroyer :: Self-destroyer (n.) One who destroys himself; a suicide.
Suicide :: Suicidal (a.) Partaking of, or of the nature of, the crime or suicide..
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