Definition of subscription

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Subscription (n.) Sum subscribed; amount of sums subscribed; as, an individual subscription to a fund..

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Subscription :: Subscription (n.) The signature attached to a paper.
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) A paper to which a signature is attached.
Attestation :: Attestation (n.) The act of attesting; testimony; witness; a solemn or official declaration, verbal or written, in support of a fact; evidence. The truth appears from the attestation of witnesses, or of the proper officer. The subscription of a name to a writing as a witness, is an attestation..
Subscriptive :: Subscription (n.) A method of purchasing items produced periodically in a series, as newspapers or magazines, in which a certain number of the items are delivered as produced, without need for ordering each item individually; also, the purchase thus executed..
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) The acceptance of articles, or other tests tending to promote uniformity; esp. (Ch. of Eng.), formal assent to the Thirty-nine Articles and the Book of Common Prayer, required before ordination..
Assessment :: Assessment (n.) An apportionment of a subscription for stock into successive installments; also, one of these installments (in England termed a call)..
Subsecute :: Subscriptive (a.) Of or pertaining to a subscription, or signature..
Scrip :: Scrip (n.) A preliminary certificate of a subscription to the capital of a bank, railroad, or other company, or for a share of other joint property, or a loan, stating the amount of the subscription and the date of the payment of the installments; as, insurance scrip, consol scrip, etc. When all the installments are paid, the scrip is exchanged for a bond share certificate..
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) Submission; obedience.
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) Sum subscribed; amount of sums subscribed; as, an individual subscription to a fund..
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) The act of subscribing.
Canvass :: Canvass (n.) To go trough, with personal solicitation or public addresses; as, to canvass a district for votes; to canvass a city for subscriptions..
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) That part of a prescription which contains the direction to the apothecary.
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) That which is subscribed.
Canvass :: Canvass (v. i.) To search thoroughly; to engage in solicitation by traversing a district; as, to canvass for subscriptions or for votes; to canvass for a book, a publisher, or in behalf of a charity; -- commonly followed by for..
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) Consent or attestation by underwriting the name.
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