Definition of sublimation

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Sublimation (n.) The act or process of subliming, or the state or result of being sublimed..

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Sublimatory :: Sublimation (n.) That which is sublimed; the product of a purifying process.
Tutty :: Tutty (n.) A yellow or brown amorphous substance obtained as a sublimation product in the flues of smelting furnaces of zinc, and consisting of a crude zinc oxide..
Flower :: Flower (v. i.) To come off as flowers by sublimation.
Sublime :: Sublime (v. t.) To subject to the process of sublimation; to heat, volatilize, and condense in crystals or powder; to distill off, and condense in solid form; hence, also, to purify..
Sublimate :: Sublimate (n.) A product obtained by sublimation; hence, also, a purified product so obtained..
Aludel :: Aludel (n.) One of the pear-shaped pots open at both ends, and so formed as to be fitted together, the neck of one into the bottom of another in succession; -- used in the process of sublimation..
Sublimation :: Sublimated (a.) Refined by, or as by, sublimation; exalted; purified..
Sublimation :: Sublimation (n.) The act or process of subliming, or the state or result of being sublimed..
Rectify :: Rectify (v. t.) To refine or purify by repeated distillation or sublimation, by which the fine parts of a substance are separated from the grosser; as, to rectify spirit of wine..
Sublimatory :: Sublimatory (a.) Used for sublimation; as, sublimatory vessels..
Flower :: Flower (n.) A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation; as, the flowers of sulphur..
Sublimely :: Sublimed (a.) Having been subjected to the process of sublimation; hence, also, purified..
Bombolo :: Bombolo (n.) A thin spheroidal glass retort or flask, used in the sublimation of camphor..
Sublimation :: Sublimation (n.) The act of heightening or improving; exaltation; elevation; purification.
Sublime :: Sublimatory (n.) A vessel used for sublimation.
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