Definition of strumpet

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Strumpet (v. t.) To debauch.

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Waistcoateer :: Waistcoateer (n.) One wearing a waistcoat; esp., a woman wearing one uncovered, or thought fit for such a habit; hence, a loose woman; strumpet..
Punk :: Punk (n.) A prostitute; a strumpet.
Harridan :: Harridan (n.) A worn-out strumpet; a vixenish woman; a hag.
Strumpet :: Strumpet (n.) A prostitute; a harlot.
Harlot :: Harlot (n.) A woman who prostitutes her body for hire; a prostitute; a common woman; a strumpet.
Drab :: Drab (v. i.) To associate with strumpets; to wench.
Strumpet :: Strumpet (v. t.) To debauch.
Gamester :: Gamester (n.) A prostitute; a strumpet.
Mangonist :: Mangonist (n.) A slave dealer; also, a strumpet..
Blowess :: Blowess (n.) A prostitute; a courtesan; a strumpet.
Strumstrum :: Strumpet (v. t.) To dishonor with the reputation of being a strumpet; hence, to belie; to slander..
Punkling :: Punkling (n.) A young strumpet.
Trull :: Trull (n.) A drab; a strumpet; a harlot; a trollop.
Harlotry :: Harlotry (n.) A harlot; a strumpet; a baggage.
Strumpet :: Strumpet (a.) Of or pertaining to a strumpet; characteristic of a strumpet.
Drab :: Drab (n.) A lewd wench; a strumpet.
Wench :: Wench (n.) A low, vicious young woman; a drab; a strumpet..
Venturer :: Venturer (n.) A strumpet; a prostitute.
Prostitute :: Prostitute (n.) A woman giver to indiscriminate lewdness; a strumpet; a harlot.
Treddle :: Treddle (n.) A prostitute; a strumpet.
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