Definition of statuary

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Statuary (n.) One who practices the art of making statues.

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Piece :: Piece (n.) A literary or artistic composition; as, a piece of poetry, music, or statuary..
Statuary :: Statuary (n.) One who practices the art of making statues.
Pointing :: Pointing (n.) The act or process of measuring, at the various distances from the surface of a block of marble, the surface of a future piece of statuary; also, a process used in cutting the statue from the artist's model..
Statuary :: Statuary (n.) The art of carving statues or images as representatives of real persons or things; a branch of sculpture.
Statue :: Statuary (n.) A collection of statues; statues, collectively..
Bust :: Bust (n.) The portion of the human figure included between the head and waist, whether in statuary or in the person; the chest or thorax; the upper part of the trunk of the body..
Parian :: Parian (a.) Of or pertaining to Paros, an island in the Aegean Sea noted for its excellent statuary marble; as, Parian marble..
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