Definition of standard

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Standard (n.) A large drinking cup.

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Banner :: Banner (n.) Any flag or standard; as, the star-spangled banner..
Imperfect :: Imperfect (a.) Not fulfilling its design; not realizing an ideal; not conformed to a standard or rule; not satisfying the taste or conscience; esthetically or morally defective.
Rate :: Rate (n.) That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of movement; rate of interest is the ratio of the interest to the principal, per annum..
Accurate :: Accurate (a.) In exact or careful conformity to truth, or to some standard of requirement, the result of care or pains; free from failure, error, or defect; exact; as, an accurate calculator; an accurate measure; accurate expression, knowledge, etc..
Standard :: Standard (n.) That which is established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, extent, value, or quality; esp., the original specimen weight or measure sanctioned by government, as the standard pound, gallon, or yard..
Weight :: Weight (v. t.) A scale, or graduated standard, of heaviness; a mode of estimating weight; as, avoirdupois weight; troy weight; apothecaries' weight..
Vexillum :: Vexillum (n.) The upper petal of a papilionaceous flower; the standard.
Measure :: Measure (v. i.) To be of a certain size or quantity, or to have a certain length, breadth, or thickness, or a certain capacity according to a standard measure; as, cloth measures three fourths of a yard; a tree measures three feet in diameter..
Correct :: Correct (v. t.) To make right; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, or propriety; to rectify; as, to correct manners or principles..
Level :: Level (n.) Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation..
Pound :: Pound (n.) A certain specified weight; especially, a legal standard consisting of an established number of ounces..
Standard :: Standard (n.) An upright support, as one of the poles of a scaffold; any upright in framing..
Value :: Value (n.) Worth estimated by any standard of purchasing power, especially by the market price, or the amount of money agreed upon as an equivalent to the utility and cost of anything..
Morality :: Morality (n.) The relation of conformity or nonconformity to the moral standard or rule; quality of an intention, a character, an action, a principle, or a sentiment, when tried by the standard of right..
Equate :: Equate (v. t.) To make equal; to reduce to an average; to make such an allowance or correction in as will reduce to a common standard of comparison; to reduce to mean time or motion; as, to equate payments; to equate lines of railroad for grades or curves; equated distances..
Weber :: Weber (n.) The standard unit of electrical quantity, and also of current. See Coulomb, and Amp/re..
Factitious :: Factitious (a.) Made by art, in distinction from what is produced by nature; artificial; sham; formed by, or adapted to, an artificial or conventional, in distinction from a natural, standard or rule; not natural; as, factitious cinnabar or jewels; a factitious taste..
Beau Ideal :: Beau ideal () A conception or image of consummate beauty, moral or physical, formed in the mind, free from all the deformities, defects, and blemishes seen in actual existence; an ideal or faultless standard or model..
Criterion :: Criterion (n.) A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test, by which facts, principles opinions, and conduct are tried in forming a correct judgment respecting them..
Size :: Size (v. t.) To fix the standard of.
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