Definition of stanch

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Stanch (n.) A flood gate by which water is accumulated, for floating a boat over a shallow part of a stream by its release..

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Stanch :: Stanch (v. i.) To cease, as the flowing of blood..
Stanchion :: Stancher (n.) One who, or that which, stanches, or stops, the flowing, as of blood..
Stanchion :: Stanchion (n.) A prop or support; a piece of timber in the form of a stake or post, used for a support or stay..
Stanch :: Stanch (v. t.) To stop the flowing of, as blood; to check; also, to stop the flowing of blood from; as, to stanch a wound..
Stancher :: Stanchel (n.) A stanchion.
Stanch :: Stanch (n.) That which stanches or checks.
Staurolite :: Staunchness () See Stanch, Stanchly, etc..
Stannic :: Stannel (n.) The kestrel; -- called also standgale, standgall, stanchel, stand hawk, stannel hawk, steingale, stonegall..
Stanchel :: Stanch (v. t.) To prop; to make stanch, or strong..
Crotch :: Crotch (n.) A stanchion or post of wood or iron, with two arms for supporting a boom, spare yards, etc.; -- called also crane and crutch..
Stanchion :: Stanchion (n.) Any upright post or beam used as a support, as for the deck, the quarter rails, awnings, etc..
Stood :: Stanchness (n.) The quality or state of being stanch.
Stench :: Stench (v. t.) To stanch.
Stanch :: Stanch (v. t.) Strong and tight; sound; firm; as, a stanch ship..
Stanchly :: Stanchless (a.) Unquenchable; insatiable.
Earing :: Earing (n.) A line fastening the corners of an awning to the rigging or stanchions.
Stanch :: Stanch (n.) A flood gate by which water is accumulated, for floating a boat over a shallow part of a stream by its release..
Stanching :: Stanched (imp. & p. p.) of Stanc.
Stanch :: Stanch (v. t.) Close; secret; private.
Flake :: Flake (n.) A platform of hurdles, or small sticks made fast or interwoven, supported by stanchions, for drying codfish and other things..
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