Definition of staff

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Staff (n.) An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch..

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Gonfanon :: Gonfanon (n.) A name popularly given to any flag which hangs from a crosspiece or frame instead of from the staff or the mast itself.
Quenouille Training :: Quenouille training () A method of training trees or shrubs in the shape of a cone or distaff by tying down the branches and pruning.
Stag :: Staffman (n.) A workman employed in silk throwing.
Staff :: Staff (n.) A stick carried in the hand for support or defense by a person walking; hence, a support; that which props or upholds..
Palster :: Palster (n.) A pilgrim's staff.
Transom :: Transom (n.) The vane of a cross-staff.
Whipstaff :: Whipstaff (n.) A bar attached to the tiller, for convenience in steering..
Hoist :: Hoist (n.) The perpendicular height of a flag, as opposed to the fly, or horizontal length when flying from a staff..
Vare :: Vare (n.) A wand or staff of authority or justice.
Adjutant :: Adjutant (n.) A regimental staff officer, who assists the colonel, or commanding officer of a garrison or regiment, in the details of regimental and garrison duty..
Bacillar :: Bacillar (a.) Shaped like a rod or staff.
Alpenstock :: Alpenstock (n.) A long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps..
Cross-staff :: Cross-staff (n.) A surveyor's instrument for measuring offsets.
Staff :: Staff (n.) The five lines and the spaces on which music is written; -- formerly called stave.
Sceptre :: Sceptre (n.) A staff or baton borne by a sovereign, as a ceremonial badge or emblem of authority; a royal mace..
Staff :: Staff (n.) The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder..
Tipstaff :: Tipstaff (pl. ) of Tipstaf.
Vibrate :: Vibrate (v. t.) To brandish; to move to and fro; to swing; as, to vibrate a sword or a staff..
Wand :: Wand (n.) A staff of authority.
Cowlstaff :: Cowlstaff (n.) A staff or pole on which a vessel is supported between two persons.
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