Definition of stablishment

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Stablish (v. t.) To settle permanently in a state; to make firm; to establish; to fix.

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Disestablishment :: Disestablishment (n.) The condition of being disestablished.
Recension :: Recension (n.) Specifically, the review of a text (as of an ancient author) by an editor; critical revisal and establishment..
Economy :: Economy (n.) Orderly arrangement and management of the internal affairs of a state or of any establishment kept up by production and consumption; esp., such management as directly concerns wealth; as, political economy..
Reestablishment :: Reestablishment (n.) The act reestablishing; the state of being reestablished.
Establishment :: Establishment (n.) The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation.
Bookbindery :: Bookbindery (n.) A bookbinder's shop; a place or establishment for binding books.
Inveteracy :: Inveteracy (n.) Firm establishment by long continuance; firmness or deep-rooted obstinacy of any quality or state acquired by time; as, the inveteracy of custom, habit, or disease; -- usually in a bad sense; as, the inveteracy of prejudice or of error..
Bank :: Bank (n.) An establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue, of money, and for facilitating the transmission of funds by drafts or bills of exchange; an institution incorporated for performing one or more of such functions, or the stockholders (or their representatives, the directors), acting in their corporate capacity..
Averment :: Averment (v. t.) Verification; establishment by evidence.
Staff :: Staff (n.) An establishment of officers in various departments attached to an army, to a section of an army, or to the commander of an army. The general's staff consists of those officers about his person who are employed in carrying his commands into execution. See Etat Major..
Constitution :: Constitution (n.) The act or process of constituting; the action of enacting, establishing, or appointing; enactment; establishment; formation..
Banker :: Banker (n.) One who conducts the business of banking; one who, individually, or as a member of a company, keeps an establishment for the deposit or loan of money, or for traffic in money, bills of exchange, etc..
Institution :: Institution (n.) The act or process of instituting; as: (a) Establishment; foundation; enactment; as, the institution of a school..
Stably :: Stablishment (n.) Establishment.
Reinstatement :: Reinstatement (n.) The act of reinstating; the state of being reinstated; re/stablishment.
Disestablishment :: Disestablishment (n.) The act or process of unsettling or breaking up that which has been established; specifically, the withdrawal of the support of the state from an established church; as, the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church by Act of Parliament..
Constable :: Constable (n.) A high officer in the monarchical establishments of the Middle Ages.
Establishment :: Establishment (n.) The state of being established, founded, and the like; fixed state..
Work :: Work (n.) Structures in civil, military, or naval engineering, as docks, bridges, embankments, trenches, fortifications, and the like; also, the structures and grounds of a manufacturing establishment; as, iron works; locomotive works; gas works..
Unity :: Unity (n.) In dramatic composition, one of the principles by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation are preserved; conformity in a composition to these; in oratory, discourse, etc., the due subordination and reference of every part to the development of the leading idea or the eastablishment of the main proposition..
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