Berretta :: Berretta (n.) A square cap worn by ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic Church. A cardinal's berretta is scarlet; that worn by other clerics is black, except that a bishop's is lined with green..
Burette :: Burette (n.) An apparatus for delivering measured quantities of liquid or for measuring the quantity of liquid or gas received or discharged. It consists essentially of a graduated glass tube, usually furnished with a small aperture and stopcock..
Cashmerette :: Cashmerette (n.) A kind of dress goods, made with a soft and glossy surface like cashmere..
Chevrette :: Chevrette (n.) A machine for raising guns or mortar into their carriages.
Chiretta :: Chiretta (n.) A plant (Agathotes Chirayta) found in Northern India, having medicinal properties to the gentian, and esteemed as a tonic and febrifuge..
Cigarette :: Cigarette (n.) A little cigar; a little fine tobacco rolled in paper for smoking.
Curette :: Curette (n.) A scoop or ring with either a blunt or a cutting edge, for removing substances from the walls of a cavity, as from the eye, ear, or womb..
Dewretting :: Dewretting (n.) Dewrotting; the process of decomposing the gummy matter of flax and hemp and setting the fibrous part, by exposure on a sward to dew, rain, and sunshine..