Definition of spur

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Spur (v. t.) To prick with spurs; to incite to a more hasty pace; to urge or goad; as, to spur a horse..

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Brank :: Brank (v. i.) To hold up and toss the head; -- applied to horses as spurning the bit.
Tampoe :: Tampoe (n.) The edible fruit of an East Indian tree (Baccaurea Malayana) of the Spurge family. It somewhat resembles an apple.
Spurless :: Spurious (a.) Not legitimate; bastard; as, spurious issue..
Dispurse :: Dispurse (v. t.) To disburse.
Spur-winged :: Spurway (n.) A bridle path.
Spurring :: Spurred (imp. & p. p.) of Spu.
Spurrey :: Spurrer (n.) One who spurs.
Counterfeit :: Counterfeit (adv.) Assuming the appearance of something; false; spurious; deceitful; hypocritical; as, a counterfeit philanthropist..
Lussheburgh :: Lussheburgh (n.) A spurious coin of light weight imported into England from Luxemburg, or Lussheburgh, as it was formerly called..
Spurn :: Spurn (n.) Disdainful rejection; contemptuous tratment.
Spurway :: Spurtle (v. t.) To spurt or shoot in a scattering manner.
Septulate :: Septulate (a.) Having imperfect or spurious septa.
Unarmed :: Unarmed (a.) Having no hard and sharp projections, as spines, prickles, spurs, claws, etc..
Burst :: Burst (n.) Any brief, violent exertion or effort; a spurt; as, a burst of speed..
Ricinus :: Ricinus (n.) A genus of plants of the Spurge family, containing but one species (R. communis), the castor-oil plant. The fruit is three-celled, and contains three large seeds from which castor oil iss expressed. See Palma Christi..
Improvise :: Improvise (v. t.) To invent, or provide, offhand, or on the spur of the moment; as, he improvised a hammer out of a stone..
Francolin :: Francolin (n.) A spurred partidge of the genus Francolinus and allied genera, of Asia and Africa. The common species (F. vulgaris) was formerly common in southern Europe, but is now nearly restricted to Asia..
Pelargonium :: Pelargonium (n.) A large genus of plants of the order Geraniaceae, differing from Geranium in having a spurred calyx and an irregular corolla..
Wolf''s-milk :: Wolf's-milk (n.) Any kind of spurge (Euphorbia); -- so called from its acrid milky juice.
Jacana :: "Jacana (n.) Any of several wading birds belonging to the genus Jacana and several allied genera, all of which have spurs on the wings. They are able to run about over floating water weeds by means of their very long, spreading toes. Called also surgeon bird..
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