Definition of springer

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Springer (n.) The impost, or point at which an arch rests upon its support, and from which it seems to spring..

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Springer :: Springer (n.) The grampus.
Springer :: Springer (n.) The rib of a groined vault, as being the solid abutment for each section of vaulting..
Cross-springer :: Cross-springer (n.) One of the ribs in a groined arch, springing from the corners in a diagonal direction. [See Illustr. of Groined vault.].
Klipspringer :: Klipspringer (n.) A small, graceful South African antelope (Nanotragus oreotragus), which, like the chamois, springs from one crag to another with great agility; -- called also kainsi..
Springe :: Springbuck (n.) A South African gazelle (Gazella euchore) noted for its graceful form and swiftness, and for its peculiar habit of springing lighty and suddenly into the air. It has a white dorsal stripe, expanding into a broad patch of white on the rump and tail. Called also springer..
Ourebi :: Ourebi (n.) A small, graceful, and swift African antelope, allied to the klipspringer..
Springer :: Springer (n.) One who, or that which, springs; specifically, one who rouses game..
Springer :: Springer (n.) The bottom stone of an arch, which lies on the impost. The skew back is one form of springer..
Springhalt :: Springer (n.) A species of antelope; the sprinkbok.
Osspringer :: Osspringer (n.) The osprey.
Springer :: Springer (n.) The impost, or point at which an arch rests upon its support, and from which it seems to spring..
Springer :: Springer (n.) A young plant.
Springer :: Springer (n.) A variety of the field spaniel. See Spaniel.
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