Definition of spandrel

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of spandrel is as below...

Spandrel (n.) A narrow mat or passe partout for a picture.

Lern More About Spandrel

Spandrel :: Spandrel (n.) A narrow mat or passe partout for a picture.
Spandrel :: Spandrel (n.) The irregular triangular space between the curve of an arch and the inclosing right angle; or the space between the outer moldings of two contiguous arches and a horizontal line above them, or another arch above and inclosing them..
Splashed :: Splandrel (n.) See Spandrel.
Arcade :: Arcade (n.) A series of arches with the columns or piers which support them, the spandrels above, and other necessary appurtenances; sometimes open, serving as an entrance or to give light; sometimes closed at the back (as in the cut) and forming a decorative feature..
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