Definition of sounding

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Sounding (a.) Making or emitting sound; hence, sonorous; as, sounding words..

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Sonant :: Sonant (a.) Of or pertaining to sound; sounding.
Bombast :: Bombast (a.) High-sounding; inflated; big without meaning; magniloquent; bombastic.
Fluctisonous :: Fluctisonous (a.) Sounding like waves.
Unison :: Unison (n.) Sounding alone.
Soundage :: Soundage (n.) Dues for soundings.
Sounding :: Sounding (a.) Making or emitting sound; hence, sonorous; as, sounding words..
Altisonant :: Altisonant (a.) High-sounding; lofty or pompous.
Dissonant :: Dissonant (a.) Sounding harshly; discordant; unharmonious.
Sounding :: Sounding (n.) measurement by sounding; also, the depth so ascertained..
Fathom :: Fathom (n.) A measure of length, containing six feet; the space to which a man can extend his arms; -- used chiefly in measuring cables, cordage, and the depth of navigable water by soundings..
Sonorous :: Sonorous (a.) Impressive in sound; high-sounding.
Semivocal :: Semivocal (a.) Of or pertaining to a semivowel; half cocal; imperfectly sounding.
Homophonous :: Homophonous (a.) Originally, sounding alike; of the same pitch; unisonous; monodic..
Sound :: Sound (v. i.) To ascertain the depth of water with a sounding line or other device.
Brazen :: Brazen (a.) Sounding harsh and loud, like resounding brass..
Bellow :: Bellow (n.) A loud resounding outcry or noise, as of an enraged bull; a roar..
Hydrography :: Hydrography (n.) That branch of surveying which embraces the determination of the contour of the bottom of a harbor or other sheet of water, the depth of soundings, the position of channels and shoals, with the construction of charts exhibiting these particulars..
Iotacism :: Iotacism (n.) The frequent use of the sound of iota (that of English e in be), as among the modern Greeks; also, confusion from sounding /, /, /, /, //, etc., like /..
Whack :: Whack (n.) A smart resounding blow.
Cacophonious :: Cacophonious (a.) Harsh-sounding.
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