Definition of sorry

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Sorry (a.) Poor; mean; worthless; as, a sorry excuse..

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Glad :: Glad (superl.) Pleased; joyous; happy; cheerful; gratified; -- opposed to sorry, sorrowful, or unhappy; -- said of persons, and often followed by of, at, that, or by the infinitive, and sometimes by with, introducing the cause or reason..
Underling :: Underling (n.) An inferior person or agent; a subordinate; hence, a mean, sorry fellow..
Forthink :: Forthink (v. t.) To repent; to regret; to be sorry for; to cause regret.
Repent :: Repent (v. i.) To be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness; to cease to love and practice sin..
Repentant :: Repentant (a.) Penitent; sorry for sin.
Sorry :: Sorry (a.) Poor; mean; worthless; as, a sorry excuse..
Sorrow :: Sorrow (n.) To feel pain of mind in consequence of evil experienced, feared, or done; to grieve; to be sad; to be sorry..
Sorry :: Sorry (a.) Grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some evil; feeling regret; -- now generally used to express light grief or affliction, but formerly often used to express deeper feeling..
Villainous :: Villainous (a.) Sorry; mean; mischievous; -- in a familiar sense.
Figure :: Figure (n.) The appearance or impression made by the conduct or carrer of a person; as, a sorry figure..
Sorrily :: Sorrily (adv.) In a sorry manner; poorly.
Grace :: Grace (n.) Fortune; luck; -- used commonly with hard or sorry when it means misfortune.
Loon :: Loon (n.) A sorry fellow; a worthless person; a rogue.
Sorriness :: Sorriness (n.) The quality or state of being sorry.
Sorry :: Sorry (a.) Melancholy; dismal; gloomy; mournful.
Lot :: Lot (n.) A separate portion; a number of things taken collectively; as, a lot of stationery; -- colloquially, sometimes of people; as, a sorry lot; a bad lot..
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